Wednesday 7 March 2012

wow cersei's a BITCH

I was just watching the latest trailer for game of thrones (which is badass) and had to show a still from the end:

i LOVE her character, i LOVE the actress, and i can't wait to see her again.
BUT STILL... could you see that smirk, and not think BITCH.

NEW POSTS will be coming soon... just like winter.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Friday 30 December 2011

my top film predictions for 2012

Ah the year 2011, what good (and crappy) times we have had. But now we come to the end of your 365 day life, and must look forward to what seems to be an exciting time for cinema. Or a massive year of disappointment. So, in no particular order, here are the films I'm looking forward to next year.
1)      The hobbit – an unexpected journey

It is just a well-known fact… Tolkien + Peter Jackson = PANT WETTINGLY AWESOMENESS.
Set before Jackson’s previous adaptations of the great Lord of the rings books, and follows a young Bilbo Baggins going on an adventure for treasure with the powerful wizard Gandalf the grey, and a band of dwarfs. With an all stellar cast and all the right Okay, I must admit, I am a little worried. Having read the book, I know that there are a number of problems that Mr Jackson will have to deal with, such as the less dark tone, how 3D will be used, and the lack of basest material for the added scenes. But wait, this is PETER FRECKEN JACKSON were talking about, creator of the greatest film trilogy of all time, (yes it is just admit it). This is a film that shall be worthy, to watch in the glory that is IMAX. This shall be the one film to rule them all…
2)      John dies at the end

You may not have heard of this film, but this looks to be the biggest mind screwing since Inception. So far, I can’t tell much about the plot other then it involves murder, the universe, drugs, meat monsters, and other freaky stuff. From what I’ve heard about the book, there seems to be good material behind this. Let’s hope they let me in the cinema.

Thursday 22 December 2011


just here to say, that i am fustrated at the news of DICE making battlefield 4 instead of mirror's edge 2. i mean, like battlefield, BUT COME ON. : (

Monday 19 December 2011

the new "the dark knight rises" trailer rewind *spoilers*

and on the 8th day, god created Bob Kane.
And on the 9th day, bob created BATMAN!!!
And on the 10th day, god created Christopher Nolan
And on the 11th day, he decided to make FILMS…
about BATMAN.
As I’m sure most people who are reading this have access to the internet, then you’ll probably have seen the new trailer for “THE DARK KNIGHT RISES”. If you haven’t, then FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE WORLD, stop reading, put down your latte, AND CLICK ON THE TAB TO WATCH THE MOST BADASS THING TO EVER HAPPEN IN CINEMA:
Now that you have all seen the coolest trailer ever, (and if you haven’t then what’s wrong with you) the you may proceed.
After I watched the trailer, and then stapled my jaw back in place, I thought I’d review it.
But then I thought… wait a minute, I know it’s awesome… if you have seen it, then YOU know it’s awesome… if you haven’t seen it, then YOU STILL know it’s awesome. Frankly, I KNEW it would be awesome before I even clicked play, so doing a review would just be pointless. So, I decided to go through the trailer, and say just what made it awesome. To make it less mean I'm only going to do what got me the most excited, to show less spoilers.
1)      Bane looks BADASS

There was never a doubt in my mind… that Nolan and tom hardy wouldn’t get bane right. Whenever he was on screen, he showed 3 things:
·         Menace
·         Power
·         AND PURE BADASSERY (something you see a lot in this trailer)
Tom hardy shows us a man how screams “DON’T F**k WITH ME”. If he had a show, it would be called “the secret diary of a BADASS MOTHER F**KER”. Before it would start, it would show a warning, telling viewers that they may stain their chairs with urine. Just like in batman begins and the dark knight, batman goes against a threat that actually feels… threatening. And trust me, batman has a high threat intolerance.
I look forward to pissing my pants.
2)      It’s about a father and son… sort of.
Dam… Alfred LOVES Bruce. He sure does. It looks like Nolan will be doing what I love the most about his films, making action films with good plots. I'm glad to see that the film will also be touching on the world’s greatest butler (sorry Geoffrey), who after the last films, seems to be Bruce’s only connection to a real life. How will he be used, only time will tell.
3)      When your commissioner… politics are a bitch
Not much is shown about this idea, but looks like commissioner Gordon will be joining batman on their trips downhill. I loved what that guy said about war hero’s in peace times, is it brings in the idea that people with no purpose are only going to go lower.
It’s dark… kinder like a certain… dark knight?
4)      Catwoman’s in this film… and she’ll purr

I have to be honest, although I love my future wife Ann Hathaway, her announcement as Selina Kyle (AKA catwoman) had me extremely worried.
After seeing the trailer, I know realise how STUPID I was being. Firstly, I should have remembered to trust Nolan, and remember that he knows what he’s doing. Secondly, Ann Hathaway is a god dam brilliant actress. Although I may not like most of her films, she always gives an amazing performance. This is obvious from the trailer, where even without seeing ANY FOOTAGE of her as catwoman, I am completely at ease with this choice of casting.
P.S.      if you are reading this Ann, you should know that I would dress up as a cat, and steal all the Oscars you deserve, give too see you smile.
P.P.S    I’m not a creep… trust me.
      5)   ohhh crap
Just look at that photo, this doesn’t look good for mister dark crusader does it?
6)      League of ‘another reason to say the word BADASS’.
It seems that the rumours about the league of assassins coming back may be true. But in what way would they return. Does batman beg for help? Does he become the leader? Will Ra’s al ghul return from the dead? (and if you have read the comics, you’ll know what I mean.) and will Bruce finally learn to KILL? DUH DUH DUUUH.
7)      Seems like the $h*! is real.
From this scene, we can tell two possibilities:
A)     Nolan may not be an American football fan.
B)     (and more likely) it seems that bane will pose as a great threat towards batman, AND THE GOOD CITIZENS OF GOTHAM.
Whatever it is, at least it looks… err, what’s the word? Oh yeah… BADASS.
8)      JGL and that hot French chick

And at last, we finally find out how Joseph Gordon Levitt and Marion Cotillard fit into the plot. Oh… actually we doesn’t. but hey, it’s Nolan, he knows what he’s doing.
9)      Comfort free
Is it me, or is it just exciting to see batman fighting IN THE DAYTIME. That’s how you know it just got serious.
The epic conclusion
Never have I been this excited to see the end of batman. Trust me, I know that it won’t come out for seven months, and the wait SUCKS. But in the end, it will all be worth it. If you want to see my reaction to the trailer while watching it, please check out my vid on the tab:
until then, I guess I have no choice but to hold my bladder.
Oops… too late.

My review of Sherlock holmes A game of shadows

you can sum up this film in only 4 sylables...


Sunday 11 December 2011

to celebrate the start of my blog, i decided to document my last week of school.

as it is the last week of school, that means it will probably be the suckest, which means by friday, it will be a miricle if i can take the bus without falling asleep.

to show my level of deflation, here's how i started this morning...